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fixed bug introduced by matplotlib versions >=3.9 #633

Closed evrose54 closed 2 weeks ago

evrose54 commented 2 weeks ago

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fixes NRLMMD-GEOIPS/geoips#632

Testing Instructions

I only tested on ./ and will run ./ once I can find the time.


Prior to matplotlib versions >=3.9 we were able to use without any problem. After 3.9 was introduced, this failed because cm had no attribute called 'get_cmap'. To fix this, we've migrated such calls from cm.get_cmap to pyplot.get_cmap, as that function still works for pyplot. It's weird that the same functionality was located in two different places, but at least it makes for an easy fix.

modified: geoips/image_utils/
modified: geoips/plugins/modules/colormappers/