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Added optional argument to ``geoips config install`` to skip actually installation step for unit tests #646

Open evrose54 opened 1 week ago

evrose54 commented 1 week ago

Reviewer Checklist

Related Issues

No issue; quick fix to make config install unit tests pass faster.

Testing Instructions

Run pytest -v tests/unit_tests/commandline/ without any test datasets installed. Shouldn't install anything but will test for correct output.


Previously the config install unit tests actually installed test datasets if they were missing. This is completely uneccessary and shouldn't be performed in the unit tests, only if a user actually wants to install data. To fix this, we've added a hidden argument to config install, called --test-mode, which will skip the download portion of the code if specified. While not perfect, this ensures that the unit tests will run fast and output the correct information.

modified: geoips/commandline/
modified: tests/unit_tests/commandline/