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Journal of the Student Association of Medical Research, OJS
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Errors in Volume 1, Issue 1 #488

Closed mhvbyrne closed 5 years ago

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago



mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

Not peer reviewed rather than Not peer-reviewed in non conference pieces Page number p. 1 instead of p.1 in non conference pieces

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

PARKIN ABSTRACT - unknown affiliations for all authors and corresponding email address

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

Unable to upload the correct front page to Issue 1, it displays the old front page

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

NOT RESOLVED: Krishnan (review) currently incorrectly under Original research section as no Reviews section or broader group for review and original research Needs a Reviews Section

RESOLVED: Krishnan has green boxes round it: \hypersetup{hidelinks} TITLE on system: remove colon, and capitalise T of the in the subheading

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

ISSUE SUMMARY Explain cover image choice in summary Change name of article to: Issue Summary: Volume 1, Issue 1

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

Green keywords and orange galley buttons - need to change to one or the other White text above keywords screen shot 2018-12-28 at 14 23 56

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

HASHEMI - in the abstract and first paragraph KCL CARS is written out in full as 'clinical academic and research society' but it should be 'clinical and academic research society'

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

Name of journal in system needed to change to National student...

The cite as is incorrect screen shot 2018-12-28 at 14 37 46

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

EDITORIAL Change name to: Focus and Scope of the Journal of the National Student Association of Medical Research

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

?add united kingdom after author affiliations on website

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

?remove month from 2018 as we will be publishing two issues in December otherwise

DeckOfPandas commented 5 years ago

Re: keywords: I think visual balance is nicer with a second contrast colour, so galley links in one and keywords in another. I think @srees95 agreed with me, if not on exactly this colour then sure, but I'm almost certain she agreed to the need for another spot colour.

DeckOfPandas commented 5 years ago

Everyone on the editorial team should probably read your editorial @mhvbyrne , you know, transparency re: what they're putting their names on n ting

mhvbyrne commented 5 years ago

Everyone on the editorial team should probably read your editorial @mhvbyrne , you know, transparency re: what they're putting their names on n ting

I've posted it in the JSAMR chat previously

Re: keywords: I think visual balance is nicer with a second contrast colour, so galley links in one and keywords in another. I think @srees95 agreed with me, if not on exactly this colour then sure, but I'm almost certain she agreed to the need for another spot colour.

Yeah that's fine I'm just not a fan of orange and green combo, orange and pink? two shades of orange... grey ;)