NSAntoine / Samra

Proper, full-fledged native Asset Catalog explorer & editor for macOS.
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Is it possible to add export and editing of raw data? #11

Open plplpmmmmh opened 6 months ago

plplpmmmmh commented 6 months ago

截屏2024-03-07 14 36 24

This is the switch icon of various devices in Homekit. There are animations. I think this should be a file similar to caml.


NSAntoine commented 6 months ago

Could you send the .car here? That path doesn't exist on my Mac

NSAntoine commented 6 months ago

Added exporting: https://github.com/NSAntoine/Samra/actions/runs/8188274258 no editing yet, though

plplpmmmmh commented 6 months ago


Thank you so much!!!!! The current situation is that it can be exported for editing, but cannot be imported for modification.

plplpmmmmh commented 2 months ago

Sorry to bother you again. Could you please add the editing functionality for Rawdata?