NSCC-COGS / Aestheta

An Industrial Think Tank Focused on Developing and Promoting AI Technology for Geospatial Applications [Please note this group was formed as an academic exercise for educational purposes and does not represent a real world organization]
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Explore how we can use leaflet #77

Open kkmcgg opened 3 years ago

kkmcgg commented 3 years ago

Our landing page could possibly be spruced up with an interactive leaflet webmap. https://leafletjs.com/examples.html

Our current landing page can be seen here: https://nscc-cogs.github.io/Aestheta/

Examples of other doing similar things on github can be seen here: https://github.com/StephSaephan/leaflet-map-example

With an example of the leaflet webmap here: https://stephsaephan.github.io/leaflet-map-example/ (note that the link is github.io!)

A video which may overview the process may be here; (I have not reviewed the entire video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=liMd1L8KDpc&ab_channel=JerryShannon-UGA

Investigate these resources and others and determine if and perhaps how we can use leaflet in this way. Prepare a brief report indicating the idea and how we would go about achieving it. Brainstorm what sort of information or functionality we could demonstrate on our leaflet map.

arraySurfer81210 commented 3 years ago

What is Leaflet?

"An open source JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps" Customizable with CSS and HTML


Layers (out of the box)

Quick-start guide




Leaflet download


kkmcgg commented 3 years ago

Some good resources here - thanks for that. We may be limited in what we can do with leaflet without going down some rather difficult roads involving web hosting and cloud services. If we can devise a way to host a static website demonstrating our data in either leaflet or folium I think that would go along way in terms our ability to demonstrate what we are doing.

For example: we could display a simple model raster output on an interactive webmap (leaflet or folium based) and host it directly on our github landing page as a part of a static website

I have posted one rough example of what something like that may look like in our experiments section.