NSF-Polar-Cyberinfrastructure / datavis-hackathon

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Close the loop on making sure Amazon can support the event #61

Closed chrismattmann closed 9 years ago

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

Talking with Traci Ruthkoski from Amazon, we have this confirmation:

1. Yes, AWS can provide credits for the hackathon, and space for the data
sets prior to and during the challenge. As per our earlier conversation we
will need to discuss the details of how many credits we should start each
group with, and the logistics of the data. This includes getting a
reasonably accurate scope on size as well as extent of users that would
want to use the data beyond the hackathon (this will factor in as we
discuss hosting past the hackathon)

2. AWS has a process for administering hackathon credits, which generally
includes a web portal specific to the event. Sometimes this method doesn’t
fit the setup of an event, so I will be getting in contact with that group
to give them an overview of our need and recommend a direction.

3. I have a request to PR in regards to getting this approved. Will update
as soon as I hear back.

CC'ing Paul Zimdars @pzimdars in on this. Paul please help me coordinate 1 and 2. Thanks.

pzimdars commented 9 years ago

Chris, Great!. I will work with Traci to get this moving forward.


pzimdars commented 9 years ago


Can you provide details on how the credits work and information you require from us to get those credits? Do you need details on type of instance we require including storage, bandwidth requirements, etc?

Thanks Paul

truthkos commented 9 years ago

Hi Paul,

I have some promo credits for you to start your pre-hackaton work. If you need more, we can get those, just wanted to make sure to get you on AWS testing asap. Will be sending via your email.

Re credits and hackathon logistics: yes, we will need details on the storage expectations for sure. The bandwidth and instance types are helpful to have but not required. Meaning, if we know how big of machines you want to run and how big of a pipe you will need, we can scope the credit amount and make suggestions for implementation on AWS that would improve your experience.

pzimdars commented 9 years ago


Great. How do we get start with the promo credits? What do you require from us. Thanks Paul

pzimdars commented 9 years ago


I got your email and have responded. Thanks.


chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

@pzimdars @truthkos are we good here? PaulZ do you have everything you need? We need to confirm this ASAP. Thanks.

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

ping just checking on this guys thanks @pzimdars @truthkos

pzimdars commented 9 years ago

Chris, think we are set with the account. We just need Traci to apply the credits which should be soon.


chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

Thanks @pzimdars!