NSF-Polar-Cyberinfrastructure / datavis-hackathon

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design feedback from Parsons faculty #73

Closed aaronxhill closed 9 years ago

aaronxhill commented 9 years ago

I am assembling a small group of faculty from Parsons to drop in during a couple of the hacking sessions to offer teams feedback on the design of their visualization.

Based on the event agenda, these might be the best times for Parsons faculty to be available for design review, feedback, and critiques: Day one: 2:00 - 3:30 (during second hack) Day two: 10:45 - 12:30 (during third hack)

I'm aiming to bring 3-5 faculty members to each of these sessions.

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

add @aaronxhill to the agenda on the 1st to describe this. @chrismattmann

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

agenda updated to include these sessions. Thanks @aaronxhill

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

on the agenda, and we're good.

aaronxhill commented 9 years ago

@chrismattmann Just checking to make sure I have five minutes Monday morning to give an overview of the Parsons faculty review process. We had discussed this, but I don't see it on the agenda.

chrismattmann commented 9 years ago

Thanks @aaronxhill yep you will have 5 minutes, I'll only take 15 and stop 5 mins early so you can jump up and introduce. Cool?

aaronxhill commented 9 years ago

Thanks @chrismattmann . Sounds great.