Doom running in the NT kernel
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Where can I obtain the required WAD file? #4

Closed happymimimix closed 9 months ago

happymimimix commented 10 months ago

I got a WAD from internet archive: https://archive.org/download/2020_03_22_DOOM/DOOM%20WADs/Doom%20%28v1.2%29.zip And put it at C:\DOOM.WAD But the driver doesn't work. It says: The driver was not loaded because it failed its initialization call.

I'm using windows 10 1809 with EFIGuard v1.3.

IDK if that's a version issue. Am I supposed to get a 1.8 or 1.9 version of that game? Or, is it the EFI guard that is breaking the driver? I want to know.

I didn't enable testsigning, I just use EFIGuard to fully kill the certificate verification in windows 10 instead. All other unsigned or revoked drivers works fine for me, but this one.

NSG650 commented 10 months ago

The status code indicates that the driver failed to find win32kbase.sys or win32kfull.sys which is weird. The WAD file shouldn't be an issue. It would be really helpful if you can send the entire debug message log of the driver. Please also mention how you are loading and running the driver as well.

happymimimix commented 9 months ago

This one works for me: https://archive.org/download/2020_03_22_DOOM/DOOM%20WADs/Doom%20%28v1.9%29.zip

Steps: Jailbreak Windows, make 100% sure you've fully killed DSE. Suggestion: https://github.com/katlogic/WindowsD

Download Doom v1.9 WAD file and put it in C:\

Load driver with wind64 /L ntdoom.sys

This is how I get it to work.

happymimimix commented 9 months ago

The cause of the problem is a combination of Doom version and DSE is not completely disabled on my system.

Note: I didn't enable test signing, that's why I need to deal with DSE. If you have test signing on, that shouldn't be an issue.