NSGeophysics / GPRPy

Ground Penetrating Radar processing and visualization software for python
MIT License
174 stars 84 forks source link

Not an Issue Just a Question #16

Open bflinchum opened 3 years ago

bflinchum commented 3 years ago

Is this still an active project? I am new to git Hub and not sure how to contribute and track changes to code through git but I love this program. It's amazing for teaching!

This package would be so perfect for my uses if we could add a Band-pass filter and an wave-number filter.

I have downloaded and looked at the code. I could probably easily write these two filters but would have no idea how to add it to the GUI. I have always used python for scripting not GUI development.

Is this something that we could add to a new version?

Thanks, Brady bflinch@clemson.edu

AlainPlattner commented 3 years ago

Hi Brady,

I apologize that it took me so long to respond. Yes, I keep updating GPRPy and new additions are always welcome.

The filters that I had implemented are very simple and work via averaging pixels. I personally am a huge fan of simplicity when it comes to GPR data processing and find working with pixel averages simpler (and potentially more stable) than spectral (Fourier) transformations. I personally try to use minimal processing for my data and really only use it to make things that are already visible in the raw data easier to interpret.

GPRPy currently has a high-pass filter along each trace via "dewow", where a running mean of a chosen number of pixels is subtracted from each pixel. A low-pass filter along each trace is implemented via "smooth (temp)", where each pixel is replaced by a running mean of a chosen window width. So you can do band-pass filtering by applying both a dewow and a smooth (temp) filter. For the window width you can calculate how many pixels a chosen wavelength has based on the sampling rate of your data.

If you think that a spectral version would be a worthwhile improvement you can fork the repository and start building it into your own version of GPRPy. I am happy to help you with it if needed.

Hope this helps. Also, please feel free to reach out via my work email: amplattner@ua.edu

Best, Alain