NSGeophysics / GPRPy

Ground Penetrating Radar processing and visualization software for python
MIT License
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can your library read SEGY files? #5

Open sadimoodi opened 4 years ago

sadimoodi commented 4 years ago

i tried to load a SEG, SEGY files but couldnt, does your library supports it?

AlainPlattner commented 4 years ago

Hi, Yes, I haven't yet built in the ability to load SEG or SEGY files. An option could be to load your SEGY file using obspy (https://github.com/obspy/obspy/wiki)[https://github.com/obspy/obspy/wiki], here is a description of how to do that (https://docs.obspy.org/master/packages/obspy.io.segy.html)[https://docs.obspy.org/master/packages/obspy.io.segy.html], and then export them as a depth - time binary file .dt1, you can then hand-write a header in the style of the example data .h. This should allow you to load the data.

MumMumMum commented 1 year ago

Hi Alain, With help of your answer, I landed to link (https://docs.obspy.org/tutorial/code_snippets/export_seismograms_to_ascii.html)[https://docs.obspy.org/tutorial/code_snippets/export_seismograms_to_ascii.html]

Looking at code I could make out I need to give input obspy file and output .dt1 file, a calibration factor and a np file is written in array.

What was not clear is, The written file is it in really dt1 format or just numpy array. Also "you can then hand-write a header in the style of the example data .h"... This part was not clear as I did not see data.h in example. Can you please help here.

Can Segy be exported to dt1 using this method?

Thanks again for your time and support. Thanks and Regards Manisha

MumMumMum commented 1 year ago

Hi Alain, Thanks for your reply. With help of obspy I read the data in traces and made a data matrix as required by GprPY and then displayed the same. It worked fine.

Thanks a ton!!! Thanks again Manisha