NSKrstic / STAT545-hw-Krstic-Nikolas

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Homework 04 Ready for Grading #4

Open NSKrstic opened 7 years ago

NSKrstic commented 7 years ago

You can find my code (and my reflections within the same markdown document) here:


danaj191 commented 7 years ago

Hey there! Your homework 4 looks great. (The structure of your repo is really well-organized so I didn't have trouble finding your md file for HW 4, but it could've been even a bit easier if you had included a link to it directly in your readme!) You clearly have a great grasp of R and with many of the functions we've been exploring within it. The scatterplots you created from your pairwise combinations were especially interesting, but could have benefitted a bit from some labeling (title and axes).

Really thorough exploration of the different joins for the latter part of the assignment -- nice work. You also described well what each join does. A little bit more description throughout some of the other parts of your assignment (most notably the data reshaping part) also would've been welcome for the reader to follow along, but overall it was still easy to follow what you did and problems you encountered (described during your reflection).

Great job!

ksedivyhaley commented 7 years ago

Reshaping activity: Yes (see comments) Join activity: Partial (see comments) Reflect on process: Yes Bonus (merge/match): Yes


Your mark will be distributed later. If you would like more feedback, please feel free to message me on slack.

dorawyy commented 7 years ago

Hi Nikolas,

Overall, I feel like you are already an advance user of R already 😃

Here is minor suggestion:
