ProfileSetupFragment = screen to set up all REQUIRED user information before can start buddying! PIN #, profile picture, and Trusted Contacts
EditTrustedContactsFragment = separate screen linked from ProfileSetupFragment for the user to set up multiple Trusted contacts.
**Note: Lots of sample code is already written on similar Fragments to display how the interface, StartActivity, and fragments work together, it should help you get started! Also, a ton of this is much more intricate to implement than the other issues, so don't feel pressured to finish everything if you don't have the time for it!
[x] Following the wireframes on README, create layout.xml files and implement Fragments for: "Profile Setup Screen" and "Edit Trusted Contacts Screen"
ProfileSetupFragment{ }:
invoked by either LoginFragment - when user registered AND logged in, but not yet setup profile
or by RegisterTwoFragment - when user just registered official account in Parse database
[ ] Expect to receive the User object we are creating! (B/c we are still building the profile of a to-be-created and not logged in user)
[x] Creates a TrustedContact object and uses TrustedContact's setter method to POST request with the Parse database! (must wait for Parse and java models to be done by another issue)
[ ] Each TrustedContact is inputted into the User's trustedContact's list!
[x] create instance of SAFragmentsListener and connect to StartActivity in the same way{ }
e.g. private SAFragmentsListener SAListener;
SAListener = (SAFragmentsListener) context;
[ ] Max of 5 Trusted Contacts
[ ] RecyclerView and Adapter used (to display a Trusted Contact in a format on every row):
Every RecyclerView row/Adapter .xml displays Trusted Contact’s:
[ ] First name
[ ] last name
[ ] Relationship to user
[ ] mobile phone number
[ ] email
[ ] Displays the current Trusted Contacts if any
[ ] On long click (or whatever you prefer to edit a row):
[ ] Opens Dialog box to edit the current contact or delete it entirely
NOTE: Dialog Box is essentially a little pop up form or message that can take a small number of user inputs and act on it. It shouldn't be extremely hard to implement
If user has room to add more (e.g. current # of Trusted Contacts < 5)
[ ] Display a “+” or “add" button:
[ ] On click → display a different .xml on that row with empty containers to enter the needed info
Otherwise display message that user at the max Trusted Contacts allowed
[ ] on click back button or on click "save" button (wasn't included on the wireframe!)
call SAListener.toProfileSetup(User object);
For extra help on connections between interfaces, activities, and fragments:
You can see the example of how @jmnguyen1999 did her "Snapagram" this way with an in-class interface, under and the StartActivity packaged Fragments!
ProfileSetupFragment = screen to set up all REQUIRED user information before can start buddying! PIN #, profile picture, and Trusted Contacts
EditTrustedContactsFragment = separate screen linked from ProfileSetupFragment for the user to set up multiple Trusted contacts.
**Note: Lots of sample code is already written on similar Fragments to display how the interface, StartActivity, and fragments work together, it should help you get started! Also, a ton of this is much more intricate to implement than the other issues, so don't feel pressured to finish everything if you don't have the time for it!
[x] Following the wireframes on README, create layout.xml files and implement Fragments for: "Profile Setup Screen" and "Edit Trusted Contacts Screen"
ProfileSetupFragment{ }:
private SAFragmentsListener SAListener;
SAListener = (SAFragmentsListener) context;
SAListener.toEditTrustedContacts(User object);
profileSetUp = true;
if(ParseUser.getCurrentUser() == null)
private SAFragmentsListener SAListener;
SAListener = (SAFragmentsListener) context;
SAListener.toProfileSetup(User object);
For extra help on connections between interfaces, activities, and fragments: