NSLS-II-AMX / profile_collection

IPython profile configuration - Collection
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Bluesky deployment 2022-04-20 #11

Closed JunAishima closed 2 years ago

JunAishima commented 2 years ago

see also slack discussion: https://nsls2.slack.com/archives/C01QJ5Y9UV8/p1650462398989789

JunAishima commented 2 years ago

ws1 - no .ipython directory under xf17id1 user. so we should do a Bluesky Full Deploy

AbbyGi commented 2 years ago

IOC ownership change completed successfully

JunAishima commented 2 years ago

profile_collection continued

JunAishima commented 2 years ago

continuing on

kafka testing

In [2]: hw = ophyd.sim.hw()

In [3]: RE(count([hw.det])) An exception has occurred, use '%tb verbose' to see the full traceback. ProgrammingError: SQLite objects created in a thread can only be used in that same thread. The object was created in thread id 140532872914752 and this is thread id 140530181469952.

See /home/xf17id1/.cache/bluesky/log/bluesky.log for the full traceback.

JunAishima commented 2 years ago

Continued with Kafka testing

2022-04-21T17:21:54.805392 document: descriptor contents: {'configuration': {'det': {'data': {'det_Imax': 1, 'det_center': 0, 'det_noise': 'none', 'det_noise_multiplier': 1, 'det_sigma': 1}, 'data_keys': {'det_Imax': {'dtype': 'integer', 'shape': [], 'source': 'SIM:det_Imax'}, 'det_center': {'dtype': 'integer', 'shape': [], 'source': 'SIM:det_center'}, 'det_noise': {'dtype': 'integer', 'enum_strs': ['none', 'poisson', 'uniform'], 'shape': [], 'source': 'SIM:det_noise'}, 'det_noise_multiplier': {'dtype': 'integer', 'shape': [], 'source': 'SIM:det_noise_multiplier'}, 'det_sigma': {'dtype': 'integer', 'shape': [], 'source': 'SIM:det_sigma'}}, 'timestamps': {'det_Imax': 1650576110.373778, 'det_center': 1650576110.37377, 'det_noise': 1650576110.3737009, 'det_noise_multiplier': 1650576110.373756, 'det_sigma': 1650576110.3737867}}}, 'data_keys': {'det': {'dtype': 'number', 'object_name': 'det', 'precision': 3, 'shape': [], 'source': 'SIM:det'}}, 'hints': {'det': {'fields': ['det']}}, 'name': 'primary', 'object_keys': {'det': ['det']}, 'run_start': '84c0cf17-1b14-4bb2-8ed2-b0c861830add', 'time': 1650576114.1404076, 'uid': 'd442fd89-4b7f-4f9f-83be-b62c757ae3d9'}

2022-04-21T17:21:54.806199 document: event contents: {'data': {'det': 1.0}, 'descriptor': 'd442fd89-4b7f-4f9f-83be-b62c757ae3d9', 'filled': {}, 'seq_num': 1, 'time': 1650576114.2503617, 'timestamps': {'det': 1650576114.1391304}, 'uid': 'f0f5864b-95ce-44eb-b702-ca4dc31b3321'}

2022-04-21T17:21:54.806328 document: stop contents: {'exit_status': 'success', 'num_events': {'primary': 1}, 'reason': '', 'run_start': '84c0cf17-1b14-4bb2-8ed2-b0c861830add', 'time': 1650576114.2909095, 'uid': 'cef84d0d-6f61-4676-b773-7bfa11765beb'}

JunAishima commented 2 years ago
JunAishima commented 2 years ago


JunAishima commented 2 years ago

wa now works!

In [1]: wa
/nsls2/conda/envs/2022-2.1-py39-tiled/lib/python3.9/site-packages/bluesky/magics.py:34: UserWarning: BlueskyMagics.positioners is deprecated. Please use the newer labels feature.
  warnings.warn("BlueskyMagics.positioners is deprecated. "
Positioner                     Value       Low Limit   High Limit  Offset     
atten_a1                       -12.3       -999999999.3 10000000.7  -12.3      
atten_a2                       -12.1       -12.1       -12.1       -12.1      
atten_a3                       -12.5       -12.5       -12.5       -12.5      
atten_a4                       -12.8       -12.8       -12.8       -12.8      
bs_fx                          -1179.997   0.0         0.0         0.0        
bs_fy                          -870.0      -9999999999.0 999999999.0 0.0        
colli_x                        1820.0      400.0       400.0       400.0      
colli_xy                       16672.4     0.0         0.0         0.0        
colli_z                        -225.0      0.0         0.0         0.0        
fe_b                           -1.69996    -10.0       10.0        0.0        
fe_i                           -0.34984    -10.0       10.0        0.0        
fe_o                           2.14984     -10.0       10.0        0.0        
fe_t                           1.80004     -9.9        10.1        0.1        
fe_x_ctr                       0.9         -10.0       10.0        AttributeError
fe_x_gap                       2.49968     -20.0       20.0        AttributeError
fe_y_ctr                       0.05004     -9.95       10.05       AttributeError
fe_y_gap                       3.5         -19.9       20.1        AttributeError
gonio_gx                       231.83      -16000.0    16000.0     0.0        
gonio_gy                       -0.46       0.0         0.0         0.0        
gonio_gz                       -5.47       0.0         0.0         0.0        
gonio_o                        61.446528   -35865.0    36135.0     60.0       
gonio_py                       -922.117    -5000.0     5000.0      -922.217   
gonio_pz                       0.2         -5000.0     5000.0      0.0        
hhls_b                         -2.4        -0.31       -0.31       -0.31      
hhls_i                         -1.599      -2.36       -2.36       -2.36      
hhls_o                         2.1         -3.6        -3.6        -3.6       
hhls_t                         1.8         -0.19       -0.19       -0.19      
hhls_x_ctr                     -2.98       -2.98       -2.98       -2.98      
hhls_x_gap                     -1.24       -1.24       -1.24       -1.24      
hhls_y_ctr                     -0.25       -0.25       -0.25       -0.25      
hhls_y_gap                     0.12        0.12        0.12        0.12       
hm_x                           1050.0      0.0         0.0         0.0        
hm_y                           -150.0      0.0         0.0         0.0        
hm_z                           -57.83      0.0         0.0         0.0        
ivu_gap_gap                    25150.0     6200.0      25200.0     0.0        
kbm_hp                         3.458       4.088       4.088       4.088      
kbm_hr                         -2.5        -12.195     -12.195     -12.195    
kbm_hx                         -1.846      -7.0        9.0         7.456      
kbm_hy                         0.154       -0.828      -0.828      -0.828     
kbm_vp                         -3.672      -5.0        2.0         1.53       
kbm_vx                         0.0         5.75        5.75        5.75       
kbm_vy                         1.845       6.3         6.3         6.3        
mbpm1_x                        739.28      -5400.0     5400.0      0.0        
mbpm1_y                        -1067.06    -9700.0     5100.0      0.0        
mbpm2_x                        0.01        0.0         0.0         0.0        
mbpm2_y                        -3.78       0.0         0.0         0.0        
mbpm3_x                        -237.0      -237.0      -237.0      -237.0     
mbpm3_y                        -526.87     -526.88     -526.88     -526.88    
mic_x                          285.98      0.0         0.0         0.0        
mic_y                          -300.08     -100000.0   100000.0    0.0        
sht_x                          1100.0      -5900.0     14500.0     1100.0     
slits1_b                       -1299.99    0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits1_i                       -1500.01    0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits1_o                       1500.04     0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits1_t                       1500.02     0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits1_x_ctr                   0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits1_x_gap                   2999.97     0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits1_y_ctr                   100.01      0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits1_y_gap                   2800.01     0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits2_b                       -3725.01    -3653.83    -3653.83    -3653.83   
slits2_i                       -825.01     -861.46     -861.46     -861.46    
slits2_o                       4549.99     4361.46     4361.46     4361.46    
slits2_t                       1200.01     1220.17     1220.17     1220.17    
slits2_x_ctr                   1862.5      1750.01     1750.01     1750.01    
slits2_x_gap                   5375.0      5222.92     5222.92     5222.92    
slits2_y_ctr                   -1262.5     -1216.83    -1216.83    -1216.83   
slits2_y_gap                   4925.01     4873.99     4873.99     4873.99    
slits3_b                       -2180.0     -2180.0     -2180.0     -2180.0    
slits3_i                       -205.0      -205.0      -205.0      -205.0     
slits3_o                       200.0       200.0       200.0       200.0      
slits3_t                       -2410.0     -2410.0     -2410.0     -2410.0    
slits3_x_ctr                   -2.5        -2.5        -2.5        -2.5       
slits3_x_gap                   405.0       405.0       405.0       405.0      
slits3_y_ctr                   -2295.0     -2295.0     -2295.0     -2295.0    
slits3_y_gap                   -230.0      -230.0      -230.0      -230.0     
slits4_b                       0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits4_i                       0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits4_o                       0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits4_t                       0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits4_x_ctr                   0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits4_x_gap                   0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits4_y_ctr                   0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
slits4_y_gap                   0.0         0.0         0.0         0.0        
tdm_pd                         3.167776    2.262       2.262       2.262      
tdm_pu                         3.527932    -100000.0   100000.0    4.04       
tdm_rd                         6.5         -10.747     -10.747     -10.747    
tdm_xd                         1.023       1.04        1.04        1.04       
tdm_xu                         1.152       1.32        1.32        1.32       
tdm_yd                         -6.001      -100.0      100.0       1.603      
tdm_yu                         -6.0        4.1         4.1         4.1        
vdcm_b                         8.437       -8.423      23.504      -0.381     
vdcm_e                         13475.4     0.0         0.0         0.0        
vdcm_g                         14.739      -999.0      999.0       17.66      
vdcm_p                         6.626669    -5.619      -5.619      -5.619     
vdcm_r                         5.774       -211.969    188.031     -19.822    
vdcm_w                         DisconnectedError                   
JunAishima commented 2 years ago

Notebook work:

future notes to staff:

after cleanup, processes owned by xf17id1

now add password

JunAishima commented 2 years ago
JunAishima commented 2 years ago
JunAishima commented 2 years ago


Edit: scrap all of these - other beamlines have standardized to 2.2 and we are already there.

Successfully merged profile collection changes with passing CI. Done!