NSLS-II / metadatastore

DEPRECATED: Incorporated into https://github.com/NSLS-II/databroker
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Travis config is generated from a template #184

Closed ericdill closed 8 years ago

ericdill commented 8 years ago

With this PR, metadatastore is using an autogenerated travis template. The template can be found at https://github.com/ericdill/travis-little-helper. Instructions for creating a new travis yml can be found in the readme.

Also added some badges for current dev build on anaconda.org/lightsource2-dev/metadatastore and latest point release on anaconda.org/lightsource2/metadatastore

ericdill commented 8 years ago

This is basically just a bunch of travis jiggery-pokery. If anyone is interested in what is going on behind the scenes, I'm happy to explain. Otherwise, merge away. Or I can squash commits. Let me know!

cc @danielballan @klauer @arkilic

tacaswell commented 8 years ago

Is this still a going concern? If so it needs a rebase.