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[v2][_commonspeckle] what about functions for SMI? #42

Open ambarb opened 3 years ago

ambarb commented 3 years ago

Do we need to keep, incorporate into CHX function, or create a generic scattering

There is WAXS stuff too, but treated basically the same as SAXS?

[abarbour@box64-2 ~/Repos/pyCHX/pyCHX/v2/_commonspeckle ✗ ] $ grep -n SMI *
DataGonio.py:567:        For SMI, because only rotate along y-axis, (det_theta_g=0.), only care about 
Stitching.py:10:              '''YG Sep 26, 2017 @SMI
Stitching.py:40:          For SMI, overlap_width = 85  #for calibration data--Kevin gives one, 4  degree 
Stitching.py:42:    For SMI:
Stitching.py:152:    phis: for SMI, the rotation angle around z-aixs
Stitching.py:153:    For SMI
Stitching.py:227:    '''YG. Sep 27@SMI
Stitching.py:253:    '''YG Sep 27@SMI
Stitching.py:254:    Get q_range, [ qx_start, qx_end, qz_start, qz_end ] for SMI WAXS qmap 
Stitching.py:305:    Get q_range, [ qx_start, qx_end, qz_start, qz_end ] for SMI WAXS qmap 
Stitching.py:352:    phis: for SMI, the rotation angle around z-aixs
Stitching.py:353:    For SMI
XPCS_GiSAXS.py:515:    ''' Nov 19, 2018@SMI to get alphaf and thetaf for gi scattering 

Probably matching function definitions:

DataGonio.py:551:     def set_angles(self, det_phi_g=0., det_theta_g=0., 
Stitching.py:9:       def get_base_all_filenames( inDir, base_filename_cut_length = -7  ):
Stitching.py:38:      def check_stitch_two_imgs( img1, img2, overlap_width, badpixel_width =10 ):
Stitching.py:147:     def stitch_WAXS_in_Qspace( dataM, phis, calibration, 
Stitching.py:226:     def plot_qmap_in_folder( inDir ): #TODO is this made for SMI as per docstring?
Stitching.py:252:     def get_qmap_range( calibration, phi_min, phi_max ):
Stitching.py:300:     def get_qmap_qxyz_range( calibration, det_theta_g_lim, det_phi_g_lim, 
Stitching.py:344:     def stitch_WAXS_in_Qspace_CHX( data, angle_dict, calibration, vary_angle='phi',
XPCS_GiSAXS.py:512:   def get_alphaf_thetaf( inc_x0, inc_y0, inc_ang, inc_phi = 0,