NSLS-II / wishlist

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plotting GUIs #124

Open mpmdean opened 5 years ago

mpmdean commented 5 years ago

I think it would be very helpful to provide users more tools to explore/plot data in an efficient way?

I'm talking about something that mirrors the capability of PyMCA http://pymca.sourceforge.net/

It is possible to bulid similar functionality from jupyter + ipympl + widgets with a pleasingly small amount of code https://github.com/NSLS-II-SIX/sixtools/blob/master/GUIs/scan_explorer.ipynb

And I'd be prepared to invest more effort in developing this, but first I would like to hear more opinions about whether this is the right way to go.

NSLS-II/qtbroker which aimed to do some of this seems not to under development. @danielballan I assume this is right?

danielballan commented 5 years ago

We have made a couple experimental forays into this, none of which we have pushed very hard. However, we feel we finally have enough infrastructure now to do this now and delivering something for all beamlines by the first 2019 cycle is our top priority for that cycle.

There's a lot of background here, probably easier to discuss on the phone. If you are interested in getting up to speed on our direction and plans, I'd be happy to chat about it.

mpmdean commented 5 years ago

Hi @danielballan

I just wanted to send a nudge regarding this issue. Is 2019-1 still the sort of timescale that we can think about? And is there a repo I can look at?

danielballan commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the ping, @mpmdean. Around December 1, we reluctantly decided that it would take a suicidal amount of work to push all the pieces across the finish line in time for the start next cycle. We do intend to deploy it mid-cycle to interested beamlines.

The path is:

It's been difficult to get our heads around all these pieces, but now we have a path and I expect we can get something in (brave) users' hands in weeks, not months.

mpmdean commented 5 years ago

Thanks @danielballan !

danielballan commented 5 years ago

Status update on this:

mpmdean commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the update @danielballan

danielballan commented 5 years ago

We have a prototype ready for early feedback: https://github.com/NSLS-II/bluesky-browser#launching-the-demo