Automatically build the head of new master after code gets merged. Build it on travis and upload to on the development channel.
[x] historydict
[x] filestore
[ ] metadatastore
[x] doct
[ ] bluesky
[ ] databroker
[ ] datamuxer
[ ] ophyd
[ ] pyxrf
[ ] event_model
[ ] album
[ ] suitcase
[ ] channelarchiver
[ ] pyolog
[ ] pyepics
Need to be tagged first
[ ] metadataclient
[ ] metadataservice
@tacaswell @danielballan @klauer @dchabot Anything else that I'm missing?
Automatically build the head of new master after code gets merged. Build it on travis and upload to on the development channel.
Need to be tagged first
@tacaswell @danielballan @klauer @dchabot Anything else that I'm missing?