NSPManager / NSPanelManager

Sonoff NSPanel custom firmware for responsive and intuitive use
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Docker Compose Help #154

Closed cloudbr34k84 closed 2 months ago

cloudbr34k84 commented 2 months ago

Does anyone have a docker-compose file i could use? Im ok with these, but i can't get this to work when i run it using Powershell it says it doesnt like property url or homeassistant_api..

version: "3.9"
    external: true
    image: docker.io/nspanelmanager/nspanelmanager-amd64
    container_name: nspanelmanager
    network_mode: host
    url: "https://nspanelmanager.com"
    webui: http://xxxxxxxxxxxx:8000/
    panel_icon: mdi:fit-to-screen
     - 8000:8000
     - 8001:8001
    init: false
    homeassistant_api: true
    restart: unless-stopped
      - "traefik.enable=true"
      - "traefik.docker.network=traefik"
      - "traefik.http.routers.XXXX.tls=true"
      - "traefik.http.routers.XXXX.tls.certresolver=dnsresolver"
      - "traefik.http.routers.XXXX.rule=Host(`XXXX.cloudbr34k.xyz`)"
      - "traefik.http.routers.XXXX.entrypoints=https"
      - "traefik.http.routers.XXXX.service=svcXXXX"
      - "traefik.http.services.svcXXXX.loadbalancer.server.port=XXXX"
      - "traefik.http.routers.XXXX.middlewares=auth@file"
      - "com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true"
      - default
aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

I am by no means an expert in compose, but I believe you're suppose to create a Home Assistant api key and specify it under the appropriate section. "True" is not a valid key...

Also, I believe the version: line is depreciated in the latest version of Docker Compose, although if you installed the default via your package manager, you might not have the latest.

cloudbr34k84 commented 2 months ago

I am by no means an expert in compose, but I believe you're suppose to create a Home Assistant api key and specify it under the appropriate section. "True" is not a valid key...

Also, I believe the first line should be "services:" (without quotes), unindented

How did you load this up?

i have no issue using this with other dockers as my template When i try load this by via powershell it says services.nspanelmanager Additional property homeassistant_api is not allowed

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

I haven't kept up with NSPanel Manager, as my NSPanels are both disconnected at the moment, pending a certified electrician. Apparently California doesn't like me wiring my own home...

When I last used it, it was with a custom-made docker-compose.yml file. The one the devs supplied didn't work for me, but a bit of trial and error (and some motrin...) got it going for me.

cloudbr34k84 commented 2 months ago

is this project very active

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

Also, you state you're using powershell. Is this in Windows or Linux? Home Assistant doesn't run on Windows, so in that case, your install wouldn't be an add-on. Add-ons are for the OS variant only, must run on the same box, and be installed directly via HAOS.

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

is this project very active

Yes! But the devs are in Great Brittan. They're likely asleep.

Check the completed issues to see how active it is.

The devs are more helpful than I. Although I try on occasion.

cloudbr34k84 commented 2 months ago

Also, you state you're using powershell. Is this in Windows or Linux? Home Assistant doesn't run on Windows, so in that case, your install wouldn't be an add-on. Add-ons are for the OS variant only, must run on the same box, and be installed directly via HAOS. isnt this a docker of sorts, like any other docker? see this i smy lack of IT knowledge lol

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

While HAOS does run docker behind the scenes, it does it in a certain way. For example, running the container version of HA doesn't even have the capability to run add-ons, as the menu option is missing.

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

Most of the issues were raised by the 2 devs: tpanajott and cablesandcoffee. I hope I spelled those correctly!

cloudbr34k84 commented 2 months ago

im reading the manual and it says for installation its using a standaloine docker and or the HA Add on? thats how i read it

2.1.2 Standalone Docker container 2.1.3 Home Assistant add-on

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

Looking again at the source, I see the devs have an updated compose.yml reference, which it seems you used. The devs should know what they are doing there, but I had issues with their old one, so 🤷🏻‍♂️.

Try temporarily commenting out the offending lines, and see what it gives you?

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

If using as an add-on, specify TRUE, if not, specify false. If it's running on a different machine or different VM, then it is not considered an add-on.

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

Also, just a hunch here, but try specifying the url: field without quotes. The webui field doesn't have quotes, and it doesn't sound like it complains on that one.

cloudbr34k84 commented 2 months ago

for now i have just gone down the path of the HA Add rather than a stand alone docker. I just wanted to check out this project and see if wnat to invest in a panel

Man thanks for your help though!!

tpanajott commented 2 months ago

Hi, as aaronouthier said I were indeed asleep, though in Sweden. I am also by no means an expert at docker compose but the example given in the manual does work as expected for:

        image: nspanelmanager/nspanelmanager-amd64
        container_name: nspanelmanager
            - TZ=Europe/Stockholm
            - /nspmdata/:/data/
            - 8000:8000
            - 8001:8001
        restart: always

There is no need to specify IS_HOME_ASSISTANT_ADDON in the environment section. This is automatically set to "true" if it's running as an addon within HA itself and should be set to false (the default) if not running withing HA. I also believe that the error "services.nspanelmanager Additional property homeassistant_api is not allowed" is because docker compose does not know what to do with that value. It's simply not an allowed property to set. All the settings for Home Assistant URL, Home Assistant API key and so on are set within the web ui itself when you have successfully started the container.

And to answer your other question, yes, this project is very active. We've been working on a major rewrite of core components to make it much easier going forward but this has, as you might expect, taken a long time. The rewrite is done in the beta branch if you want to run that instead. We are just finalizing and fixing the last bugs in the beta branch before making it the new stable release for the NSPanel Manager project.

aaronouthier commented 2 months ago

I believe the OP was referencing this file: https://github.com/NSPManager/NSPanelManager/blob/main/docker-beta/config.yaml

tpanajott commented 2 months ago

I believe the OP was referencing this file: https://github.com/NSPManager/NSPanelManager/blob/main/docker-beta/config.yaml

Probably but that file is so that HA knows how to run the addon and start the container in the background.

cloudbr34k84 commented 2 months ago

ahh yes! i got my docker files mixed up!