NSS-Day-Cohort-42 / hello-world-beautiful-balrogs

hello-world-beautiful-balrogs created by GitHub Classroom
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created landmarks css file, styled landmarks list and individual land… #16

Closed skratz17 closed 4 years ago

skratz17 commented 4 years ago

…mark cards. changed landmark card css classes from "landmarks" to "landmark" on my taiwan.html file

  1. git fetch --all
  2. git checkout je-landmarks-list
  3. Ensure that the landmark list is a two-column list.
  4. Ensure that the card styling appears roughly the same as the cities cards above.
  5. Keep in mind that layout may still be weird cause notable people images are still unstyled / too large.
Michaelr-Tyler commented 4 years ago

looks good, ready to merge

meesterbaumer commented 4 years ago

Looks great Jacob Ready to merge