NSS-Day-Cohort-49 / giffygram-ermagerds

giffygram-ermagerds created by GitHub Classroom
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Display a user's profile #2

Open JoeShep opened 3 years ago

JoeShep commented 3 years ago

As an authenticated user, I would like to view the profile of other users

Given that a person has provided proper authentication details When the person is viewing the post feed Then each author should name should be displayed as a clickable affordance

Given the person wants to view the details of an author When the person clicks on the author name Then the post list should be replaced with the author's profile

Given the person has clicked on an author name When the author profile is rendered Then the person should see the author's first name, last name, total number of posts, and any messages between the person and the author displayed in descending chronological order

mtrevin93 commented 3 years ago