NSS-Day-Cohort-49 / giffygram-lolcatz

giffygram-lolcatz created by GitHub Classroom
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5. Mark a post as a favorite #8

Open JoeShep opened 3 years ago

JoeShep commented 3 years ago

As an authenticated user, I would like to specify that a post is a favorite

Given that a person has provided proper authentication details When the person is viewing the post feed Then there should be a white star icon beneath each post

Given the person wants to mark a post as a favorite When the person clicks on the white star icon beneath a post Then the post should be recorded as a favorite And the white star should change to a yellow star to indiciate it has been favorited

Given the person wants to remove a post as a favorite When the person clicks on the yellow star icon beneath a post Then the post should be removed as a favorite And the yellow star should change to a white star

auntviv commented 3 years ago