NSS-Day-Cohort-49 / react-nutshell-state-slingers

react-nutshell-state-slingers created by GitHub Classroom
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Tasks #4

Open JoeShep opened 3 years ago

JoeShep commented 3 years ago


As a user who needs to track tasks, I should be able to enter in a task name, and an expected completion date, and be able to mark them as complete

Acceptance Criteria

Given a user wants to enter a task When the user clicks an affordance for entering a new task (i.e. button or hyperlink) Then a form should be presented to the user with a field to enter in the task name And a field to enter in the expected completion date

Given a user wants to mark a task complete When the user is viewing their task list Then there should be a checkbox next to each task that, when clicked, should mark the task as complete in the database And prevent the task from being displayed in the list

Given a user is on the task list and wants to remove a task When when the user performs a gesture on the delete affordance Then the task should be removed from the database And the task should be removed from the task list

mtrevin93 commented 3 years ago

-task component with capability to add new tasks, remove tasks -new tasks entered with name & expected completion date -checkbox on tasks to mark as complete, hiding from the list

*possible stretch goal of completed tasks list