As a reader, I would like know how much time it will take to read a particular Post so that I can determine whether I have time to read it now or I should save it for later.
Given a user is viewing a Post
When they look at the "header" information (title, category, publish date, etc...)
Then they should see a message indicating approximately how many minutes it will take read the post.
NOTE: The calculation should round up to the next minute. For example if the calculation determines that a post should take 4:28 to read, the message should indicate that it will take approximately 5 minutes.
NOTE: If the calculation determines it will take 1 minute to read, the message should use the singular form of the word "minute". It should not say "1 minutes".
As a reader, I would like know how much time it will take to read a particular Post so that I can determine whether I have time to read it now or I should save it for later.
Given a user is viewing a Post When they look at the "header" information (title, category, publish date, etc...) Then they should see a message indicating approximately how many minutes it will take read the post.