NSS-Day-Cohort-58 / rare-python-server-striking-dragons

rare-python-server-striking-dragons created by GitHub Classroom
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get_all_post_tags get_sigle_post_tag #77

Closed mandapandaa8 closed 2 years ago

mandapandaa8 commented 2 years ago


28 #29


Created the get_all_post_tags function as well as the get_single_post_tag function in views post_tag_requests.py Imported those functions into the views init.py as well as the request_handler.py Inserted those functions into the do_GET in the request_handler.py

Type of change

How Has This Been Tested?

Test A

  1. pull acd branch down from git hub
  2. open it in vs code
  3. run debugger
  4. open postman and be sure you're sending a GET
  5. paste the following to test get_single_post_tag: http://localhost:8088/PostTags/2

Test B

  1. make sure debugger is still running
  2. in postman paste the following to test get_all_post_tags: http://localhost:8088/PostTags