NSS-Evening-E22 / pos-system-tech-giants

pos-system-tech-giants created by GitHub Classroom
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create form for add/ editing an item #23

Closed ahammer1 closed 1 year ago

ahammer1 commented 1 year ago

User Story:

As a user, I want to be able to create and edit items on the Create/Edit Item page. The page should have a user-friendly format with a navbar, fields for Item Name and Item Price, and a button to add or edit an item.

Acceptance Criteria:

The navbar is displayed at the top of the Create/Edit Item page. The Item Name and Item Price fields are displayed on the Create/Edit Item page. There is an Add/Edit Item button on the Create/Edit Item page. Clicking the Add/Edit Item button adds a new item or edits an existing item with the inputted information.


The navbar and button components are available and functional. The database and backend API support creating and editing items with the inputted information.

Dev Notes:

The navbar component needs to be added to the Create/Edit Item page and positioned at the top of the page. The Item Name and Item Price fields need to be added to the Create/Edit Item page. The Add/Edit Item button needs to be added to the Create/Edit Item page. A function to add/edit items with the inputted information needs to be implemented and linked to the Add/Edit Item button.