NSS-Evening-E22 / pos-system-tech-giants

pos-system-tech-giants created by GitHub Classroom
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Logo #5

Open ahammer1 opened 1 year ago

ahammer1 commented 1 year ago

User Story: As a company, we need a logo that represents our brand and can be used across all marketing and branding materials.

Acceptance Criteria:

The logo should be unique and easily recognizable. The logo should be designed in a vector format for scalability and easy use across various mediums. The logo should represent the company's brand and values. The logo should be visually appealing and aesthetically pleasing. The logo should be designed in both color and black and white versions. Dependencies:

The design team should be consulted to develop a concept for the logo. The marketing team should provide input on the company's brand and values to ensure the logo aligns with them. The logo should be integrated into the company's website and other marketing materials. Dev Notes:

Collaborate with the design team to develop a concept for the logo. Create several versions of the logo for review and selection. Once the logo is selected, create a vector version for scalability and easy use across various mediums. Create a color version and a black and white version of the logo. Test the logo across various mediums, such as the company website and social media, to ensure it is displaying correctly and representing the brand appropriately.