NSS-Evening-E22 / pos-system-tech-giants

pos-system-tech-giants created by GitHub Classroom
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user Authentication #7

Closed ahammer1 closed 1 year ago

ahammer1 commented 1 year ago

User Story: As a user, I want to be able to securely log in to my account using my credentials and have access to my personal information.

Acceptance Criteria:

The login system should require a valid username and password for access. User passwords should be securely stored and hashed. The system should prevent unauthorized access to user accounts. Users should be able to retrieve/reset their passwords if necessary. The system should allow for multiple users with unique login credentials. Users should be able to access their personal information after logging in. Dependencies:

The database should be set up to store user account information and login credentials. The front-end login interface should be designed and implemented. The login and authentication system should be integrated with the existing user interface. Dev Notes:

Develop a database schema to store user account information securely. Create a registration page for new users to create accounts. Implement a login page that verifies user credentials against the stored information in the database. Hash and store user passwords securely to prevent unauthorized access. Allow for password retrieval and resetting if necessary. Integrate the login and authentication system with the existing user interface. Test the login and authentication system thoroughly to ensure that it is secure and functioning correctly.