NSSpiral / Blackb0x

Apple TV 2/3 Jailbreak
511 stars 57 forks source link

How to use/PWN Apple TV (3,1) #104

Open rixis19 opened 2 years ago

rixis19 commented 2 years ago

I have been trying to use this exploit on my Apple TV (3,1), and I have not found any explanation of how to use a Arduino Uno to PWN the device. How does one go about doing this? It there a tutorial anywhere for this entire process of this particular model?

allhailCdosdude commented 2 years ago

Look at issue 101, titled "ATV 3 survey." And try the instructions there.

rixis19 commented 2 years ago

I tried the instructions there and it doesn't seem to have done anything, the ATV3 shows in blackb0x but nothing happens after going into DFU mode from what I can see.