NSSpiral / Blackb0x

Apple TV 2/3 Jailbreak
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It is necessary for connect the network for the Apple TV? #85

Open QinanWu opened 2 years ago

QinanWu commented 2 years ago

If I do not connect the network, could I still do the all steps?

rapiPR commented 2 years ago

Yes, except installing Kodi. Let Blackb0x do its work. When it finishes, disconnect the USB, and the power, connect to the TV and power up. When the ATV has booted connect to your WLAN and wait for about 5 minutes, depending on your internet connection. Kodi will appear after that.

QinanWu commented 2 years ago

If my network could not connect the google because of GFW, could it work?

rapiPR commented 2 years ago

You do not need google. What is GFW?

fffelix-jan commented 2 years ago

@rapiPR GFW is short for Great Firewall of China, which is what censors Google, Facebook, YouTube, etc. in China.