Closed danghoaiphuc closed 10 months ago
Note: the change for Verbose
was made for both ClearSpeak and SimpleSpeak. I hope that is ok.
I added a test
fn roman_numeral() {
let expr = "<math><mi>IX</mi><mo>+</mo><mi>VIII</mi><mo>=</mo><mi>XVII</mi></math>";
test_prefs("vi", "ClearSpeak", vec![("Verbosity", "Medium")], expr, "9 cộng 8, bằng 17");
test_prefs("vi", "ClearSpeak", vec![("Verbosity", "Verbose")], expr, "9 la mã cộng 8 la mã, bằng 17 la mã");
MathCAT passes this test, but if the test isn't correct, please correct it.