NTBBloodbath / galaxyline.nvim

neovim statusline plugin written in lua
MIT License
163 stars 16 forks source link

I think there's something wrong with highlights #19

Open lucasvianav opened 2 years ago

lucasvianav commented 2 years ago

Hey, thanks for maintaining this great plugin :)

Yesterday I noticed one separator in my statusline stopped working like it was before --- I'm not getting any foreground/background highlighting. And while I was writing this issue, I also noticed that I can't any of the highlights in the element below, neither the text's nor the separator's.

    FileName = {
        provider = function()
            return (api.nvim_buf_get_name(0):len() == 0) and icons.empty
                or fileinfo.get_current_file_name('', '')
        highlight = { colors.fg, colors.bg_light },
        separator = icons.right,
        separator_highlight = { colors.bg_light, colors.bg },


(in case it helps, here's my full config)

NTBBloodbath commented 2 years ago

Hi, is your bg_light white?

I think I know what could be causing the issue, are you using packer? Let's try rolling back to a previous commit, I would recommend using this one f8c3653f34f8993a1aff1a7fad7052c11e75cfbe.

You can add a commit = "a commit hash", in your galaxyline declaration and run :PackerSync.

Please let me know if the issue is gone with this commit so we can dig on it!

lucasvianav commented 2 years ago

My bg_light is #1E1E1E. This commit does work, just rolled it back.