NTBBloodbath / galaxyline.nvim

neovim statusline plugin written in lua
MIT License
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Always need to reload current buffer to see changes if you call a function from `lua` directory #39

Open LinArcX opened 2 years ago

LinArcX commented 2 years ago


I have the lua folder inside ~/.config/nvim and i put all my user-defined functions there.

There is a file called test.lua in mentioned directory that contains:

local test =  {}

local colors = require("galaxyline.themes.colors").gruvbox

function test.foo()
  require('galaxyline').section.left[14] = {
   Saeed  = {
      provider = function()
        return "  ✅️ " .. "foo"
      separator = ' ',
      separator_highlight = {'NONE',colors.bg},
      highlight = { colors.green, colors.bg },

return test

And if i open my init.lua file and put the below line in it, everything will works like a charm:


The problem is that if i wanted to call this function from command section of neovim like this: :lua require('test').foo()

It won't update the statusline, until i do one of these things:

  1. :e
  2. open another buffer

Is it a bug or is there any workaround to fix it?