Share GPU between Pods in Kubernetes
Apache License 2.0
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Scheduler issue #7

Closed fatgleCheng closed 4 years ago

fatgleCheng commented 4 years ago

在scheduler 計算Pod使用的資源總量時,有遇到可用資源變成負的情況。 目前的計算方式中似乎會把Completed的Pod所用到的資源也算進去。

ncy9371 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I did ignore the completed SharePod in free resource accounting but forgot to apply to Pod too. And I don't know why ignoring the SharePods with restart policy Always too. I delete it now. thanks! https://github.com/NTHU-LSALAB/KubeShare/commit/8e624ec5c8c3b6629adc12273c220c42fadca3e8

ncy9371 commented 4 years ago

new image pushed