NTMC-Community / MatchZoo

Facilitating the design, comparison and sharing of deep text matching models.
Apache License 2.0
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TypeSpec error while DRMM model build #851

Open govind17 opened 1 year ago

govind17 commented 1 year ago

Hello, I am getting the following error while I am trying to build the DRMM model for my ranking task at this line (here)

TypeError: Could not build a TypeSpec for KerasTensor(type_spec=TensorSpec(shape=(1, None, 10, 1), dtype=tf.float32, name=None), name='tf.operators.add/AddV2:0', description="created by layer 'tf.operators.add'") of unsupported type <class 'keras.engine.keras_tensor.KerasTensor'>.

Please note that I am using the following environment configuration in my local machine

Python 3.8.11 MatchZoo 2.1.0 tensorflow 2.8.0

Describe your attempts


Thank-you for your help and time.

Regards, Govind Shukla