NTMC-Community / awesome-neural-models-for-semantic-match

A curated list of papers dedicated to neural text (semantic) matching.
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Recommandation (unsupervised/low ressource text alignment) #21

Open pltrdy opened 5 years ago

pltrdy commented 5 years ago

Hey guys,

Good work both on MatchZoo and this list!
I would be interested in quick advices/pointers on something related: I'd like to match related parts of texts.

More formally, I've a document, made of different sections (each with multiple sentences), and I'd like to map it to a similar text (transcription in fact), which is a bit longer, with some noise but talk about the same thing (lot of similarities) and in the same order. I made a dynamic programming algorithms which maximize a cosine similarities between sentence embeddings. Results aren't too bad, but I'd like to experiment other stuff.

Any idea?

Thanks a lot for any clue / references that seems relevant. We could discuss through gitter.im as well.


I've not much gold data (i.e. suitable segments to be training pairs), which is why I mention unsupervised/low ressources).

bwanglzu commented 5 years ago

@faneshion can you answer?