NTNU-IndEcol / BuildME

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Material layers are being counted only once #6

Closed nheeren closed 4 years ago

nheeren commented 4 years ago

@kamilitsa wrote on 24th May 2020:

I've just discovered there's a small mistake in BuildME which causes a material layer to be counted only once even if it appears twice in the same construction type. This is quite a unique situation but I've checked, it happens in some of your buildings, so basically 'Drywall_1/2in' and, as a consequence, 'wood and wood products' are a bit underestimated.

As I've never uploaded anything to github, I wanted to make sure - should I just upload a corrected file to the master branch?

nheeren commented 4 years ago

Hi @kamilitsa! Thanks for raising the issue. To be honest, @anistad is much more on top of the code at this moment. Maybe she can suggest the simplest way to fix the issue?

anistad commented 4 years ago

@kamilitsa Have you identified the name of the function causing the issue? I will have a look if not.

kamilakrych commented 4 years ago

@anistad Yes, I found the issue. It's in materials.calc_mat_vol_m2: the last "if" statement should have if layers[layer] not in res[construction.Name] instead of if layer not in res[construction.Name]