NTStation / NTstation13

NTstation13 - A version of Spacestation13, forked from /tg/station13.
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Expanded Examine Experiment [DO NOT MERGE] #853

Open Neerti opened 10 years ago

Neerti commented 10 years ago

This morning I investigated tooltips. Turns out, they technically are possible, but maptext ruins everything and it would look like ass and be shitty if you needed anything beyond a few words.

So I thought to myself, what could replace a tooltip? And here we are. This introduces a new tab, which is updated whenever you examine something normally. It looks like this. http://puu.sh/aj4EX/eeb58c0085.png Blue line is for 'instructions' or tips, primarily aimed at new players. The gold line is for fluff, if you want. Go nuts, write paragraphs, as this is optional to read, in it's own tab and it won't clutter up the text.

You just need to add desc_info or desc_fluff and of course a string for it. This is probably done poorly but it's more of an experiment then a feature right now.

Unfortunately there's a ton of writing to do to make this worthwhile but at least the framework is there! (also if anyone can help me make it not use mob verbs to hold onto the thing, let me know.)

RemieRichards commented 10 years ago

I really don't like usr. but hey.

ike709 commented 10 years ago

muh fluff