NTStation / NTstation13

NTstation13 - A version of Spacestation13, forked from /tg/station13.
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teleporter to centcomm zlevel #946

Open Bawhoppen opened 9 years ago

Bawhoppen commented 9 years ago

Posting this on NTstation and tgstation github since it works on both.

There is a bug we discovered earlier today where you can get to the centcomm zlevel by using some longstanding bugs to build a teleporter on the cargo shuttle. To be able to do this you need to take displaced girders and put them onto the shuttle and wrench and build them into walls, Then you need to deconstruct the walls and you will get floors under them you can actually build on unlike shuttle floors. Then just build the console and machinery and then download the data from the station and upload it into another teleporter then set that to gate mode and you can go through even when its docked at centcomm. You can see how this is kind of a pressing bug since you can use it for all kinds of metaknowledge like seeing if theres nukeops and stealing shit from that zlevel.

RemieRichards commented 9 years ago

This is due to the "cargo shuttle" being the defined areas of the map, and not the walls/windows/doors etc. that you might think is the shuttle. Building on the shuttle, which should be impossible, actually ADDS to the shuttle.

I'll keep the issue up, but It's most likely a duplicate of Girders bypassing shuttle code's checks.

Limeliz commented 9 years ago

How do you upload data into another teleporter? I'm just able to download it using a multitool. But maybe that's just me not knowing how teleporters work?

Bawhoppen commented 9 years ago

you screwdriver the teleporter station then use a multitool on it, then use the multitool onto a different station