NTStation / NTstation13

NTstation13 - A version of Spacestation13, forked from /tg/station13.
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Humble Fixes Bundle #949

Closed ACCount12 closed 9 years ago

ACCount12 commented 9 years ago

Runtimes, sprites, pathes and more!

There is some strange runtimes about reading null organ state near augumentation/dismemberment and attacks on Animus White server. I don't know how to fix limbs code. Maybe it even was our coders.

RemieRichards commented 9 years ago

strange runtimes about reading null organ state near augumentation/dismemberment

That bug has been annoying me since I implemented dismemberment on the live servers, it wasn't present in the test builds so I'm struggling to fix it, namely because organs don't get nulled anywhere in my code, so I'm assuming it's a botched merge.

GunHog commented 9 years ago

Does it also fix the inability to attach new augments?

ACCount12 commented 9 years ago

I think there is something with organs being dropped then destroyed.

ACCount12 commented 9 years ago

Unknown is hit by a bullet in the right leg! You fire the L6 SAW! Unknown's right leg has been violently dismembered! Unknown is hit by a bullet in the right leg! You fire the L6 SAW! runtime error: Cannot read null.state proc name: bullet act (/mob/living/carbon/human/bullet_act) source file: human_defense.dm,69 usr: Valary Fleming (/mob/living/carbon/human) src: Unknown (/mob/living/carbon/human) call stack: Unknown (/mob/living/carbon/human): bullet act(the bullet (/obj/item/projectile/bullet), "r_leg") the bullet (/obj/item/projectile/bullet): Bump(Unknown (/mob/living/carbon/human))

Try to repeat this on test server. Runtime happens when mob is shot in missing limb.

ACCount12 commented 9 years ago

Ha. Ha. Ha. Got this one. Source of runtimes was /get_organ() returning null instead of organ if organ is dismembered. Reason: if(O.name == zone) return O (human_damage.dm:156-157) and affecting.name = "[owner.name]'s [affecting.getDisplayName()]" (dismemberment_and_augmentation.dm:61)

ACCount12 commented 9 years ago

Merge now.

RemieRichards commented 9 years ago

Oh god, I'm an idiot, Thankyou soo much! While your fix indeed solves it, it wasn't the actual issue. I was renaming the limb on the body, rather than the item. However you've future proofed the code so that limbs with custom names will work in future, so thankyou regardless.

@GunHog It is the same bug.

ACCount12 commented 9 years ago

There is some issues with wrong name being displayed when attackhand self on help. Fix it plz. Or i will fix it next morning (23:04 on clock here).