NTStation / NTstation13

NTstation13 - A version of Spacestation13, forked from /tg/station13.
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Drones can communicate with players using labelers and pens. #952

Open Limeliz opened 9 years ago

Limeliz commented 9 years ago

Server revision: 2014-08-14 0b6942b9cca174f6ec3f1986c8026f1965f284a8 Server: Artyom

Ghost-controlled drones can communicate with players using labelers or pen and paper.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Build a drone using the exosuit fabricator.
  2. Die.
  3. Ghost.
  4. Click on drone to spawn inside it.

5a. Pick up a labeler. 6a. Set a label text, for example "The clown was killed by the mime. Honk!". 7a. Click on all items around you.


5b. Pick up a pen. 6b. Use it on a piece of paper. 7b. Enter some text, for example "The mime is a changeling!".

I know you're breaking the 1st drone law, but you've stopped drones from picking up weapons so I'd suggest do the same with labelers and pens. Or maybe allow picking up, but not using them.

Edit: On the same matter, I noticed another thing now. When I read papers as a drone it's all garbled. For example "f\ ce="r* _o_r***_ll*_fn". But when using a pen on the same paper it shows the text in clear text ("Hello", in the example mentioned earlier).

Edit 2: Drones can pick up, and use, flash bangs and flashes. Probably other grenades too.

RemieRichards commented 9 years ago

Labelers and pens is a non issue. The lawset should cover it, Laws will get cleaned up when I get the chance to remove all these little oversights.

Cheers for pointing them out.

Bobder commented 9 years ago

Fixed this, submitted a pull request.

ghost commented 9 years ago

OMG @RemieRichards Bobder you should know this is dead.

Bobder commented 9 years ago

Nienhaus, the /tg/station wiki told me to come here and fix bugs for coding experience. Sorry for listening, jesus christ.

ghost commented 9 years ago

The OMG part wasn't for you. Bobder I was just letting you know this is dead and that most likely nothing will be merged.