NTTLimitedRD / plumbery

Cloud automation at Dimension Data with Apache Libcloud
Apache License 2.0
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Cloud-init not executing with instructions #26

Closed asimkhawaja closed 8 years ago

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

Hi Guys, I am running the yaml file below using plumbery in a CaaS VM. Looks like my cloud-config params from fittings file is being picked up by plumbery but none of the instructions are actually being executed on the machine. I have verfied by logging into the machine and checking as well.


    - "Setup mysql servers for testing on Ubuntu /Redhat "


    disable_root: false
    ssh_pwauth: true

# London
locationId: AU10
regionId: dd-au


  - mysql:

        name: BaaS_Test_AU10

        service: advanced

        name: "baas_vlan"

        - mysqltest_6:
           information : "mysql base node for ubuntu"
           appliance : 'Ubuntu 14'
             hostname: "mysqltest6"
             package_upgrade: true
               - git
               - ntp
               - mysql-server-5.6
             final_message: "Should be done in $UPTIME seconds"

                # a script in awk to update the /etc/hosts file
                - path: /root/master_db.sql
                  content: |
                    CREATE DATABASE db01;
                    USE db01;
                    CREATE USER 'dbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{{ dbuser.secret }}';
                    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db01.* TO 'dbuser'@'localhost';
                    CREATE TABLE persons (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT,
                      name VARCHAR(30),
                      datum TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
                      PRIMARY KEY(id));
                    INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Marko');
                    INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('John');
                    INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Eric');
                    INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Clive');
                    INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Maria');

               - echo "============Finishing Cloud config ===="
               - ls -l

output log:

root@10-0-0-8:~# python -m plumbery -d asim_fittings.yaml deploy
Default values:
- cloud-config: {'ssh_pwauth': True, 'disable_root': False}
Adding facility
- regionId: dd-au
- locationId: AU10
Loading secrets from 'f42ea87e61a991c7c206345494820020.secrets'
Building all blueprints
Getting driver for 'dd-au / None'
Getting location 'AU10'
Plumbing at 'AU10' Australia - Melbourne MCP2 (Australia)
- available blueprints: 'mysql'
Building infrastructure of blueprint 'mysql'
Listing network domains
- found 2 network domains
Creating network domain 'BaaS_Test_AU10'
- already there
Listing Ethernet networks
- found 2 Ethernet networks
Creating Ethernet network 'baas_vlan'
- already there
Building nodes of blueprint 'mysql'
Creating node 'mysqltest_6'
- using image 'Ubuntu 14.04 2 CPU'
- in progress
Importing 'polishers.configure'
Instantiating 'ConfigurePolisher'
Using polisher 'configure'
Polishing all blueprints
Plumbing at 'AU10' Australia - Melbourne MCP2 (Australia)
- available blueprints: 'mysql'
Polishing blueprint 'mysql'
Configuring blueprint 'mysql'
- waiting for nodes to be deployed
- nodes have been deployed
Configuring node 'mysqltest_6'
- no change in compute
Starting nodes from all blueprints
Plumbing at 'AU10' Australia - Melbourne MCP2 (Australia)
- available blueprints: 'mysql'
Starting node 'mysqltest_6'
- in progress
Importing 'polishers.prepare'
Instantiating 'PreparePolisher'
Using polisher 'prepare'
Polishing all blueprints
Plumbing at 'AU10' Australia - Melbourne MCP2 (Australia)
- available blueprints: 'mysql'
Polishing blueprint 'mysql'
- beachheading at 'AU10'
preparing node 'mysqltest_6'
- using cloud-config
- preparing meta-data
- preparing user-data
- serializing object before expansion
- generating dbuser.secret
- 'dbuser.secret' -> 's7yH859Oi'
disable_root: false
package_upgrade: true
hostname: mysqltest6
  - content: |
        CREATE DATABASE db01;
        USE db01;
        CREATE USER 'dbuser'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 's7yH859Oi';
        GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON db01.* TO 'dbuser'@'localhost';
          name VARCHAR(30),
          PRIMARY KEY(id));
        INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Marko');
        INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('John');
        INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Eric');
        INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Clive');
        INSERT INTO persons(name) VALUES ('Maria');

    path: /root/master_db.sql
  - echo "============Finishing Cloud config ===="
  - ls -l
final_message: Should be done in $UPTIME seconds
  - git
  - ntp
  - mysql-server-5.6
ssh_pwauth: true

- preparing remote install of cloud-init
- preparing reboot to trigger cloud-init
Connecting to server
starting thread (client mode): 0xa5ec6910L
Local version/idstring: SSH-2.0-paramiko_2.0.0
Remote version/idstring: SSH-2.0-OpenSSH_6.6.1p1 Ubuntu-2ubuntu2
Connected (version 2.0, client OpenSSH_6.6.1p1)
kex algos:[u'', u'ecdh-sha2-nistp256', u'ecdh-sha2-nistp384', u'ecdh-sha2-nistp521', u'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256', u'diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha1', u'diffie-hellman-group14-sha1', u'diffie-hellman-group1-sha1'] server key:[u'ssh-rsa', u'ssh-dss', u'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256'] client encrypt:[u'aes128-ctr', u'aes192-ctr', u'aes256-ctr', u'arcfour256', u'arcfour128', u'', u'', u'', u'aes128-cbc', u'3des-cbc', u'blowfish-cbc', u'cast128-cbc', u'aes192-cbc', u'aes256-cbc', u'arcfour', u''] server encrypt:[u'aes128-ctr', u'aes192-ctr', u'aes256-ctr', u'arcfour256', u'arcfour128', u'', u'', u'', u'aes128-cbc', u'3des-cbc', u'blowfish-cbc', u'cast128-cbc', u'aes192-cbc', u'aes256-cbc', u'arcfour', u''] client mac:[u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'hmac-md5', u'hmac-sha1', u'', u'', u'hmac-sha2-256', u'hmac-sha2-512', u'hmac-ripemd160', u'', u'hmac-sha1-96', u'hmac-md5-96'] server mac:[u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'', u'hmac-md5', u'hmac-sha1', u'', u'', u'hmac-sha2-256', u'hmac-sha2-512', u'hmac-ripemd160', u'', u'hmac-sha1-96', u'hmac-md5-96'] client compress:[u'none', u''] server compress:[u'none', u''] client lang:[u''] server lang:[u''] kex follows?False
Kex agreed: diffie-hellman-group1-sha1
Cipher agreed: aes128-ctr
MAC agreed: hmac-sha2-256
Compression agreed: none
kex engine KexGroup1 specified hash_algo <built-in function openssl_sha1>
Switch to new keys ...
Adding ssh-rsa host key for 2402:9900:211:1199:fa6:e425:1afa:7f0c: 7cb27ae7eb5e536984922f2ca3e68ce4
Trying key 931ae5f467adb6b075985f55a0fa5789 from /root/.ssh/id_rsa
userauth is OK
Authentication (publickey) failed.
userauth is OK
Authentication (password) successful!
Uploading file
[chan 0] Max packet in: 32768 bytes
[chan 0] Max packet out: 32768 bytes
Secsh channel 0 opened.
[chan 0] Sesch channel 0 request ok
[chan 0] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)
[chan 0] stat('/')
[chan 0] normalize('/')
[chan 0] mkdir('/var', 511)
[chan 0] stat('/var')
[chan 0] normalize('/var')
[chan 0] mkdir('/var/lib', 511)
[chan 0] stat('/var/lib')
[chan 0] normalize('/var/lib')
[chan 0] mkdir('/var/lib/cloud', 511)
[chan 0] stat('/var/lib/cloud')
[chan 0] normalize('/var/lib/cloud')
[chan 0] mkdir('/var/lib/cloud/seed', 511)
[chan 0] stat('/var/lib/cloud/seed')
[chan 0] normalize('/var/lib/cloud/seed')
[chan 0] mkdir('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net', 511)
[chan 0] stat('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net')
[chan 0] normalize('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net')
[chan 0] open('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data', 'w')
[chan 0] open('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data', 'w') -> 00000000
[chan 0] close(00000000)
[chan 0] sftp session closed.
[chan 0] EOF sent (0)
Uploading file
[chan 1] Max packet in: 32768 bytes
[chan 0] EOF received (0)
[chan 1] Max packet out: 32768 bytes
Secsh channel 1 opened.
[chan 1] Sesch channel 1 request ok
[chan 1] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)
[chan 1] stat('/')
[chan 1] normalize('/')
[chan 1] mkdir('/var', 511)
[chan 1] stat('/var')
[chan 1] normalize('/var')
[chan 1] mkdir('/var/lib', 511)
[chan 1] stat('/var/lib')
[chan 1] normalize('/var/lib')
[chan 1] mkdir('/var/lib/cloud', 511)
[chan 1] stat('/var/lib/cloud')
[chan 1] normalize('/var/lib/cloud')
[chan 1] mkdir('/var/lib/cloud/seed', 511)
[chan 1] stat('/var/lib/cloud/seed')
[chan 1] normalize('/var/lib/cloud/seed')
[chan 1] mkdir('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net', 511)
[chan 1] stat('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net')
[chan 1] normalize('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net')
[chan 1] open('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data', 'w')
[chan 1] open('/var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data', 'w') -> 00000000
[chan 1] close(00000000)
[chan 1] sftp session closed.
[chan 1] EOF sent (1)
Uploading file
[chan 1] EOF received (1)
[chan 2] Max packet in: 32768 bytes
[chan 2] Max packet out: 32768 bytes
Secsh channel 2 opened.
[chan 2] Sesch channel 2 request ok
[chan 2] Opened sftp connection (server version 3)
[chan 2] stat('.')
[chan 2] normalize('.')
[chan 2] open('/root/', 'w')
[chan 2] open('/root/', 'w') -> 00000000
[chan 2] chmod(00000000, 493)
[chan 2] close(00000000)
[chan 2] sftp session closed.
[chan 2] EOF sent (2)
Executing command
[chan 2] EOF received (2)
[chan 3] Max packet in: 32768 bytes
[chan 3] Max packet out: 32768 bytes
Secsh channel 3 opened.
[chan 3] Sesch channel 3 request ok
[chan 3] EOF received (3)
[chan 3] EOF sent (3)
Command finished
Closing server connection
EOF in transport thread
- done
Importing 'polishers.information'
Instantiating 'InformationPolisher'
Using polisher 'information'
Polishing all blueprints
Plumbing at 'AU10' Australia - Melbourne MCP2 (Australia)
- available blueprints: 'mysql'
Polishing blueprint 'mysql'
- examinating node 'mysqltest_6'
Showing information
About this fittings plan:
- Setup mysql servers for testing on Ubuntu /Redhat
- documentation:
About 'mysqltest_6':
- state: rebooting
Worked for you for 3 seconds locally, and for 7 minutes in the cloud
bernard357 commented 8 years ago

Your log is actually looking good. Cloud-init always applies commands while rebooting the machine, and things done at this stage are not reflected by plumbery. This is inherent to the way cloud-config is working, and not related to plumbery. Maybe you could ssh to the node that has been created, and check the /var/log/cloud-config-init.log file. This is where cloud-config is logging results of your commands.

bernard357 commented 8 years ago

Sorry the correct log file is /var/log/cloud-init-output.log

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

Hey Bernard, there appears to be no cloud-init log files in the /var/log dir


further more I can also confirm that the file is not and cloud init is not installed on the machine.

What is plumbery supposed to be doing once it puts the onto the machine?

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

@bernard357 , on further investigation and based on the output above it is clear now that the file never runs, and we never get cloud-init installed. Since cloud-init is not installed none of the instructions are executed. I have now confirmed that if I install cloud-init manually on the VM and re-run plumbery the packages and instructions get followed.

I am now trying to figure out when and how should run, but any guidance you can provide would be most appreciated

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

@bernard357 --- one potential cause of this issue is that the has windows line endings so if you try to execute it in linux it throws a bad interpreter error!

[root@10-0-0-9 ~]# ls
[root@10-0-0-9 ~]# ./
: No such file or directory
[root@10-0-0-9 ~]# dos2unix
dos2unix: converting file to Unix format ...
[root@10-0-0-9 ~]# ./
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * extras:
 * updates:
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package cloud-init.x86_64 0:0.7.5-10.el7.centos.1 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: python-requests for package: cloud-init-0.7.5-10.el7.centos.1.x86_64
asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

Looks like the problem is infact with

Apparently what is checked into source control is ok However the file that is available as per the build 0.80 using pip has that has incorrect line endings , i.e line endings for windows that will cause problems on linux machines!

bernard357 commented 8 years ago

@asimkhawaja, after the upload of plumbery just runs it to install cloud-init. Your feedback on newlines is surprising since we are using plumbery on Ubuntu and CentOS images on a daily basis. Which image are you using here?

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

I am testing on Cetos 7 and ubuntu 14

Here is the docker file that is being used to run plumbery:

FROM centos:7
#set up data directoty for mongodb
RUN mkdir -p /data/db
RUN mkdir -p /var/log/mongodb.log
RUN mkdir -p /root/Development/mp3checker
#COPY mp3checker /root/Development/mp3checker/
#COPY sampleMusic /root/Downloads
RUN cd /root/Development
RUN ls -lh 
#RUN cd /root/Development/mp3checker/node_webUI; npm install
#The follwing redis line does not work
#RUN /usr/bin/redis-server "--daemonize yes"

#installing python requirements

RUN yum install -y epel-release
RUN yum install -y git
RUN yum install -y gcc
RUN yum install -y python
RUN yum install -y python-pip python-devel openssl-devel 
RUN yum install -y python-cffi
RUN yum install -y libffi-devel
RUN yum install -y mercurial

RUN pip install --upgrade pip
RUN pip install redis mutagen pyechonest jsonpickle
RUN pip install pyOpenSSL
RUN pip install pycrypto
RUN pip install -e git+
RUN pip install plumbery
asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

@bernard357 I am going to change my pip installed plumber file and then re-run plumbery deployed to confirm it is infact the pip install package that is suffering from the problem.

bernard357 commented 8 years ago

Ok. FYI: on my Mac the file only has newlines, as expected on any Unix machine.

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

hmm so how is the build for pip happening? is that on a windows or linux machine?

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

Confirmed,having changed the line-endings on my pip install plumbery installation and re-running plumbery results in a VM where cloud-init is executing. So I would propose, that somwhere in the build pip package process we are introducing windows characters into that file

bernard357 commented 8 years ago

@asimkhawaja this is great feedback indeed, since some funky process was used for previous generation of PIP release. Maybe you would like to use for plumbery a command similar to what you put for libcloud? pip install -e git+

asimkhawaja commented 8 years ago

pip install through git does much better, Thanks Bernard

bernard357 commented 8 years ago

thanks @asimkhawaja

tonybaloney commented 8 years ago

fixed in pypi