NU-QDSC / cancer-informatics

Repository to track cancer informatics best practices and shared code.
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Implement changes from Dr. Roque. #262

Open mgurley opened 1 month ago

mgurley commented 1 month ago

Happy Friday!

I had a chance to meet with Dr. Roque and he made the following determinations about the endometrial and ovarian databases. Endometrial Database Diagnostic Procedure: No changes are required to the histology types listed on the form. Endometrioid endometrial adenocarcinoma OR endometrial adenocarcinoma should be listed under the endometrial carcinoma, NOS classification. Disease Status should be completed on a 6-month interval instead of the proposed 4-month interval. The data entry guidelines will be updated to reflect this change. At the next database meeting, we can discuss considerations around disease statuses assignments that Dr. Roque raised. Radiation Therapy: Dr. Roque has volunteered to look into whether he has access to the pertinent information required to complete this form. Dr. Roque a copy of the form and the list of patient MRNs are attached. Ovarian Database Surgery Form: Abdominal hysterectomy would be categorized under laparotomy.
HIPEC should be added as an add-on procedure option. Have a great weekend!
