NU-QDSC / cancer-informatics

Repository to track cancer informatics best practices and shared code.
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CHEK2 mutations in hematopoietic neoplasms #353

Open neelimakatam opened 2 weeks ago

neelimakatam commented 2 weeks ago

neelimakatam commented 2 weeks ago

Finished Initial meeting with PI

Variables: Demographics (DOB, Sex, Race) Pan-Heme NGS Panel [date, specimen ID, Variants of known or potential clinical significance (Alteration, Variant, Allele Proportion), Variants of Unknown Significance (Gene, Alteration, VAF)] Cell Culture: Fibroblasts [yes/no, date, specimen ID]

BONE MARROW EXAM [date, specimen ID, final diagnosis, clinical information] Leukemia/Lymphoma Phenotyping [date, specimen ID, interpretation, clinical information] Blood Smear Exam with Pathologist Review [date, specimen ID, (Pathologist) Interpretation] Follow Up / Diagnostic hematologic / CLL FISH [date, specimen ID, summary] Flt3-ITD Allelic Ratio [date, specimen ID, result] *Chromosome Analysis [date, specimen ID, Summary, interpretation, karyotypes] Most recent “progress note” from “hematology and medical oncology” [date, diagnosis, treatment/oncologic history, current therapy, HSCT date, past medical history, Family history, assessment and plan]

neelimakatam commented 1 day ago

Deployed reports. PI asked for demographics in a separate report. working on progress notes report