q_montypython4 "What... is your quest? (e.g. To seek the Holy Grail)"
a_1 :string
dependency :rule => "A"
condition_A :q_montypython3, "==", {:string_value => "It is 'Arthur', King of the Britons, :answer_reference => "1""}
But if you do:
condition_A :q_montypython3, "==", {:string_value => "It is 'Arthur', King of the Britons"}
This will not work, but the parser will not complain about it.
The parser should complain and possibly it should be supported when a question has only one answer
Currently we have:
But if you do:
This will not work, but the parser will not complain about it.
The parser should complain and possibly it should be supported when a question has only one answer