NUbots / NUWebots

Environment, models, and communication for using the Webots simulation with NUbots
MIT License
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WEBOTS_HOME issue fix #69

Closed KipHamiltons closed 3 years ago

KipHamiltons commented 3 years ago

At the moment, if you run ./b configure before running source ~/.bashrc, WEBOTS_HOME is set to /usr/local/webots in the CMakeCache. Since it's set in the cache, rerunning ./b configure does not change its value, because of how we have it set up right now. This results in a loop where the problem won't be fixed until the cache is reset and ./b configure is re-ran with WEBOTS_HOME set correctly in the environment, or ./b configure -- -DWEBOTS_HOME=/path/to/webots is ran. We can avoid this loop by attempting to re-set WEBOTS_HOME if it happens to be the default value we give it.