This might require a smarter way of generating coordinates for each object. The shapes should be fine but I think we should add a personal space for each robot kind of thing, e.g., at robot a's world coordinate (x, y, z) it should have a personal space of phi m^3. Hence robot b can spawn anywhere within the field but not anywhere within robot a's personal space plus some soft offset
Might also be worth using numpy's default_rng instead of the base random number generators as an update.
This might require a smarter way of generating coordinates for each object. The shapes should be fine but I think we should add a personal space for each robot kind of thing, e.g., at robot a's world coordinate (x, y, z) it should have a personal space of phi m^3. Hence robot b can spawn anywhere within the field but not anywhere within robot a's personal space plus some soft offset
Might also be worth using numpy's default_rng instead of the base random number generators as an update.