NV / chrome-devtools-autosave

Auto-saving CSS and JavaScript changes from the Chrome Developer Tools
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Hiya! Local host doesn't match a route /^file:\/\/[^/]*\// #57

Closed ivamichalo closed 8 years ago

ivamichalo commented 12 years ago

Hi I have this note every time I try to change the site.... Local host http://localhost:8888/iva.... doesn't match a route /^file:\/\/[^/]*\//

In Dev tools is : resource : ^http://localhost:8888/ivamichalo/tem.... post to:


exports.routes = [{ from: /^http:\/\/localhost:8888\//, to: '/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/' }];

wonder if you could help.



NV commented 12 years ago

Try the latest version. It eliminate a hassle with routes.js.

Migration from pre 1.2 version.

ivamichalo commented 12 years ago

Hi Nikita,

I have migrated to the latest version and I am stuck with "Save to: ...." in Routes I have put the flowing in /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ but not working ...do I have to find my joomla template path ? As I have joomla on localhost or should I use FTP to download files..?

Thank you


NV commented 12 years ago

Where you CSS and JS files located on a file system? The path starts with /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/, but what’s the full path?

How URLs to CSS and JS look like?

ivamichalo commented 12 years ago

Hi Nikkita,

this is my url ...


still getting the erroe that the file can't be found ;///// And the full path is very long all the way to js...?

Thank you Iva :)

ivamichalo commented 12 years ago

/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/ivamichalo/templates/blank_joomla_template/css/template.css/ ..and my path.