NV / chrome-devtools-autosave

Auto-saving CSS and JavaScript changes from the Chrome Developer Tools
MIT License
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Package is invalid: 'CRX_MAGIC_NUMBER_INVALID' #75

Closed bruleyii closed 11 years ago

bruleyii commented 11 years ago

When I download the chrom devtools autosave this error comes up "Package is invalid: 'CRX_MAGIC_NUMBER_INVALID'".

I was thinking maybe I needed to update Chrome so I did and am now running Version 23.0.1271.101. that didnt fix the issue. I tried downloading different times and still nothing. Every download that I use throws the same error.

I did a search and couldnt find anything for this app. The only app that I saw that also did it was angry birds and they were left unresolved.

Any suggestions?


NV commented 11 years ago

How did you download it? Did you open https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/devtools-autosave/mlejngncgiocofkcbnnpaieapabmanfl and clicked ADD TO CHROME button? That works for me.

bruleyii commented 11 years ago

Thats exactly what I did. Is this an oddball issue? Am I "that" weird guy in here?

NV commented 11 years ago

It’s either Google Chrome or Chrome WebStore problem. I can’t reproduce it. You should probably bump https://groups.google.com/a/chromium.org/d/topic/chromium-bugs/g4K-DuI_lsM/discussion

bruleyii commented 11 years ago

Thanks for narrowing it down for me. I came across this also but it looked like nothing was resolved. What do mean bump?

NV commented 11 years ago

I suggested you to add a comment to the issue that you have similar problem and it is still actual.

bruleyii commented 11 years ago

Ok cool. Sorry. Thanks for the response.