NVIDIA-AI-IOT / Formula1Epoch

An autonomous R.C. racecar which detects people.
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No Autonomous output #4

Open CapitalZe opened 6 years ago

CapitalZe commented 6 years ago

Everything except one thing works, or at least seems to, yet the vehicle will not enter autonomous mode. The only error code I am getting is regarding my IMU: Node can not open etc.

Would this be the cause, or should I be looking elsewhere?

I'd really appreciate help on this.


RickyAvina commented 6 years ago

For our particular implementation, we did not use the IMU at all. Test driving the car with controller input, then just driving straight autonomously, finally try using the inference from the networks to drive. Where do you fail here?

CapitalZe commented 6 years ago

Hi, thanks for your reply!

So, I can drive it around (mine is the jetsonhacks version of the car). I changed the joy_teleop file value to 0 (autonomous), and other than manual driving it never enters autonomous.

The jetson-inference package is empty on your repository, but I git cloned (https://github.com/dusty-nv/jetson-inference) this into it. Is this correct.

One final question. Must the racecar_ws be put into the racecar-ws package on your repository (which is currently empty), or is calling upon it as an external workspace viable? I've tried both, but wonder if there is a specific protocol.


CapitalZe commented 6 years ago


I see what you mean. Use the inference.py from networks folder.

I'll try that now.


CapitalZe commented 6 years ago

Would I have to change the following to:

#!/bin/bash echo "AUTONOMOUS MODE" echo "Starting LiDAR" xterm -e "python ~/Formula1Epoch/networks/SteerNet/infererence.py" & echo "done." cd ~/racecar-ws echo "Starting racecar" xterm -e "source devel/setup.bash && roslaunch racecar teleop.launch" & echo "done." & echo "Now driving with F1 Epoch v1.0"


CapitalZe commented 6 years ago

Ignore the typo: inference.py