For real time processing, we need to initialize huge pointcloud to NDT Grid(such as Map, test_Q.pcd is on the role in demo code that you provide).
However, cudaNDT class set source and target cloud size using class constructor(to assign?), so I can't initialize the class object out of loop, I must declare it in loop, because source cloud is being changed every frame in loop. (cudaNDT is provided as ".so", I can't access member variable in cudaNDT class as well.)
Can I get original code of cuNDT? or please let me know how to ancor target cloud on out of loop(for LiDAR localization).
Dear all,
I'd like to use cuNDT for LiDAR Localization.
For real time processing, we need to initialize huge pointcloud to NDT Grid(such as Map, test_Q.pcd is on the role in demo code that you provide).
However, cudaNDT class set source and target cloud size using class constructor(to assign?), so I can't initialize the class object out of loop, I must declare it in loop, because source cloud is being changed every frame in loop. (cudaNDT is provided as ".so", I can't access member variable in cudaNDT class as well.)
Can I get original code of cuNDT? or please let me know how to ancor target cloud on out of loop(for LiDAR localization).